The challenge of having a productive and inspiring online experience is a big one. Especially, when your computer is connected to the internet,  it seems distractions are just waiting to happen.

Setup Inspiring Browser Home Page For Inspiring Online Experience

Disconnecting the internet, checking emails only once a day etc. are not the things some of us can accept as a good solution. In fact, to me and to many entrepreneurs with online businesses, such recommendations are counterproductive.

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“You will never achieve anything in your life more than your own self-esteem”, said my business coach several years ago. To help me get started on the right track, he handed me over the Magic of Thinking Big book. I had just started my first business and I was fortunate to have such a tremendous mentor in my life.

High Self- Image Brightening The Smiling Face

I did not doubt what he said for even a moment. But, as I read the book, the concept began to sink in. I began to realize the importance of working on my own self-esteem.

Going through the book, when I looked back on my achievements so far, I could easily see how my own self-esteem had enabled me to go for those things. At the same time, I could also see how I had missed a few opportunities simply because I never thought I was capable of achieving those.

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Weakness Of Attitude Becomes Weakness Of Character - Albert Einstein

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This is one of my favorite videos on attitude adjustment and the problem is "Stinkin Thinkin". Now that I got the opportunity, here is the incredible talk by Zig Ziglar who shares the story of a woman with an extremely negative attitude who hated everything about her job who came for help.

He shares in this video, how Mr. Ziglar helped her shift her attitude that in turn changed her life for good. Absolutely incredible message!

The message in the video is very powerful and I found it absolutely positively Continue Reading…

I have been a fan of John Maxwell and his teachings since my infancy in the arena of business development and leadership. A few pointers about decision making that immensly impacted me in his teaching are:

1. There are only a handful of important decisions that people need to make in their entire lifetimes. These are not too many.

2.Successful people make the right decisions in those key areas early and manage those decisions on daily basis.

3. The secret of our success is determined by our daily agenda. If you make a few key decisions and then manage them well in your daily agenda, you will succeed.

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