Why is it that some people seem to be succeeding at everything they do? Why do they move ahead by leaps and bounds while others, much more talented, it seems are not even getting anywhere?

Stop Planning And Start Doing To Achieve Your Goals

The answer lies in the way we all approach things. Successful people have a plan and they back their plans with action while others either do not plan or don’t work their plan.

Success is a planned event. Success doesn't happen by accident. It does not happen because you found your mojo.

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Alexa Rank is the second most discussed rank by webmasters, especially in the blogging community, after Google’s Page Rank. Alexa Rank plays an important role in many aspects for your websites and we are going to discuss this in detail today.

Alexa Traffic Rank - Improving Alexa Rank For Your Website-Optimized

The interesting thing to note here is, neither Google Page Rank nor Alexa Rank is the true indicator of your real traffic. I’ve seen websites with Google Page Rank of 1 having much more traffic than those with Google Page Rank 3.

Similarly, Alexa traffic rank is not a true indicator of your website’s real traffic either, although it is a better indicator than Google Page Rank in many aspects.

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