The concept of having a safe secure job just because you have good degrees or skills, is now obsolete and there is a general awareness about the new economy where performance is everything.You can't make yourself irreplaceable just because you are highly educated or skilled alone.

How to Make Yourself Irreplaceable For Your Employer

As long as you can add value to the company you work for, as long as you can perform, you have a job. But, if your skills are not of much value to your employer or you are unable to perform as expected, no matter how long you may have worked for the company, you can be replaced.

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I had a meeting with one of my prospective clients for their social media marketing needs a couple of days ago. The gentleman I met, works with one of the top network marketing companies in the U.S. He asked, "Why do I need to spend my time and money on social media when the company I represent is rocking so much?"

Social Media - Important To Your Reputation and Personal Brand Management

That is a common question I still see people have across industries and career levels. There are a lot of people who think Social Media is a waste of time and it is used by people who are not focused on their goals. This post will make a lot of sense for you if you still have been ignoring social media or do not know how to harness it's power. Please do share your thoughts in the comments

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