Managed WordPress Hosting isn’t something that everybody is aware of and especially if you are new to online marketing or blogging, you may still be figuring out things about WordPress Hosting.

Announcing Krishna World Wide Hosting Launch - A Premium Managed WordPress Hosting Service

When I shared my experience with WP Engine and my reasons for moving out to start my own fully Managed WordPress Hosting service, many people asked me about this concept and how is it different from normal WordPress Hosting that most hosting companies offer.

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We previously discussed how CloudFlare and MaxCDN can, not only tremendously help improve your self-hosted WordPress website's (or blog's)  performance, but also increase the security of your websites against the various threats.

WordPress Website Performance Shot Up Like A Rocket With InMotion Hosting ServicePhoto courtesy of ©Depositphotos/luseaboluor

You may want to refer to those articles by clicking on these links below:

In these articles, I shared how the performance of my website improved significantly as I measured using tools like Pingdom and GTMetrix. I was extremely pleased with this result and not just that, it showed significant increase in organic traffic from search engines on my website as well.

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