I want to shed some light on things important to you when you are looking for a good web hosting company. I have been asked about some of the things I am going to share today over and over by different people at different times.

Web Hosting Terms Every Webmaster Should Know Before Shopping ForA Good Hosting Company

Some of the technical terms confuse a lot of people while they are looking to find a good hosting company and I know how confused I was when I was starting out. Today, my goal is bring some clarity and define some web hosting terms for you.

If you have made a decision to establish your brand identity online, you are probably now considering to launch your brand new website. This is where you need to understand a few basics, right?

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When I started blogging just a couple of years ago, I did not think it was necessary to worry about the security of my WordPress Blogs or make regular backups very often. Whenever possible, I did manage to make a few backups, once in a while, using the default backup services provided by the web hosting companies.

ManageWP - The Best Way To Manage WordPress Blogs And Websites

However, as my blog and online business footprint started to grow, I soon realized that it is not just about writing and publishing blog posts, but I also needed to take good care of things: like managing plugins, database optimization and even SEO improvements, wherever applicable.

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We previously discussed how CloudFlare and MaxCDN can, not only tremendously help improve your self-hosted WordPress website's (or blog's)  performance, but also increase the security of your websites against the various threats.

WordPress Website Performance Shot Up Like A Rocket With InMotion Hosting ServicePhoto courtesy of ©Depositphotos/luseaboluor

You may want to refer to those articles by clicking on these links below:

In these articles, I shared how the performance of my website improved significantly as I measured using tools like Pingdom and GTMetrix. I was extremely pleased with this result and not just that, it showed significant increase in organic traffic from search engines on my website as well.

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