[note background=”#F0F0F0″]This is a guest post by Dr. Steve McSwain, an author,speaker and an incredible leadership coach. Please feel free to connect with Dr. Steve on Facebook, Twitter or Google+[/note] When you think “hamburger: what comes to your mind?
McDonalds? Perhaps.
What about “computers?”
Apple? Microsoft?

What about mobile phone providers?
…or, pizza? Lingerie? Airlines? Rental cars?

When I think of rental cars the first thing that comes to my mind is Hertz.

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It's amazing how many people do not read one book in their lifetime after getting out of school (or college). Well, I was one of those as well for several years. Never read a book, never attended a seminar or a workship for a long time!

Time Management - How We Manage Our Time Impacts What We Get From Life

Until one day, a family friend handed over "The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People" by Dr. Stephen Covey and, that one book, changed the direction I was headed towards in my life. That was the first book I picked up, and since then, I never stopped reading. Continue Reading…

Everything Rises And Falls On Leadership - John Maxwell - Quotes Compiled by Kumar Gauraw

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"All Leadership Is Influence Nothing More, Nothing Less" - John Maxwell Quotes

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All Leadership Is Influence – Nothing More, Nothing Less

Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.

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Leaders become great not because of their power but, because of their ability to empower others

Where There Is No Hope In The Future There Is No Power In The Present - John Maxwell

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Where there is no hope in the future, There is no power in the present

A Man Must Be Big Enough To Admit His Mistakes, smart enough to profit from them - John Maxwell

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A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.

The Greatest Day In Your Life And Mine Is When We Take Responsibility For Our Attitudes - John Maxwell Continue Reading…

The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes – John Maxwell

People Buy Into The Leader Before They Buy Into The Vision - John Maxwell

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People Buy Into The Leader Before They Buy Into The Vision ~ John Maxwell

I have been a fan of John Maxwell and his teachings since my infancy in the arena of business development and leadership. A few pointers about decision making that immensly impacted me in his teaching are:

1. There are only a handful of important decisions that people need to make in their entire lifetimes. These are not too many.

2.Successful people make the right decisions in those key areas early and manage those decisions on daily basis.

3. The secret of our success is determined by our daily agenda. If you make a few key decisions and then manage them well in your daily agenda, you will succeed.

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