I want to shed some light on things important to you when you are looking for a good web hosting company. I have been asked about some of the things I am going to share today over and over by different people at different times.

Web Hosting Terms Every Webmaster Should Know Before Shopping ForA Good Hosting Company

Some of the technical terms confuse a lot of people while they are looking to find a good hosting company and I know how confused I was when I was starting out. Today, my goal is bring some clarity and define some web hosting terms for you.

If you have made a decision to establish your brand identity online, you are probably now considering to launch your brand new website. This is where you need to understand a few basics, right?

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Have you been in a situation when you updated your WordPress or one of your WordPress plugins which now requires you to do a global find and replace in many published posts on your blog?

Performing Global Find And Replace In Your WordPress Website

There are times when you are forced to think of an option to replace a particular word or a URL by a new one because may be you changed domains or because you needed to replace a hard coded affiliate link to a new link for any reason.

There are many such scenarios and I was in that situation just a few days ago when one of the plugins Shortcode Ultimate on my website came up with a new update that changed the name of the property “color” to “background”.

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