A complacent satisfaction with present knowledge is the chief bar to the pursuit of knowledge.    ~B. H. Liddell Hart [tweet this]

Have you seen people who want a better career, better job, multimillion dollar enterprise of their own but hate reading?

Book Reading Habit - Hard But Good Habit To Develop

I have had instances where people came to me for mentorship. They wanted to change and grow. But when it came to reading, they did not seem to enjoy the process.

I Had Same The Challenge When I Started

When I first held Magic of Thinking Big in my hands and began reading, I remember the feeling of discomfort. It wasn’t very pleasant until the third chapter of the book (when the book caught the best of my curiosity and I couldn’t put it down until finished).

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The Top 5 Motivation Killers post received a lot of great feedback and appreciation and now, in this post, let me share with you, the Top 5 Motivation Boosters that are surefire ways to propel you towards your desired destination!

You Need Motivation To Reach Your Destination - Top 5 Motivators

Here are the 5 things I have found to be the top motivators for me and I believe these can help you not just get motivated, but to stay that way until you achieve your dreams and goals.

Motivation Booster 1- Burning Desire

Napoleon Hill listed this as the first of the 13 success principles outlined in his incredible classic, Think And Grow Rich. He said in the chapter on desire,

Desire is the starting point for all achievement. [tweet this]

Everything begins with an idea or a dream, but what turns a great idea into reality is the fuel of human desire, a burning desire to make it happen. A dream by itself can only give us a temporary feeling of inspiration, but it needs a burning desire to stay motivated when obstacles challenge us during the journey.

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