Have you been in a situation where you ask a question to someone, expecting an answer in a sentence or two, but you actually ended up listening to a 15, 20 or even a 30 minute sermon, only to wonder in the end, “What was it about?”

Get To The Point In Public Speaking or In Sales For Effective Communication

I was recently helping one of my Toastmasters mentees in preparation for the 3rd speech project which is interestingly called, “Get To The Point”.  This project is about helping the speaker deliver a 5 to 7 minute long speech which delivers a clear message. The speech must have a clearly defined objective and the speaker must remain focused on the objective throughout the speech, until the end.

But, is it important only to public speaking?

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Personal Branding, I really believe, is the most important aspect of your marketing. It is particularly important to book authors, life coaches, entrepreneurs and public speakers because success in these professions depends on your credibility in the marketplace. The more the credibility, the better your chances are of success.

Personal Branding Is Extremely Important For Public Speakers-Book Authors-Writers and Life Coaches

What Is Personal Branding?

Wikipedia says : “Personal branding, self-positioning and all individual branding by whatever name, was first introduced in 1937 in the book 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill.”

Personal branding, by definition, is the process by which we market ourselves to others. As a brand, we have the ability to leverage the same strategies that make these celebrities or corporate brands apply. We can build brand equity and our online presence just like the celebrities and corporations.

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