Google Calendar is probably one of the most widely used app among users worldwide. Not only we use calendar in our day-to-day life, we also need to show a calendar on our websites often.
Responsive Google Calendar For WordPress Websites

Recently, I realized how difficult it can be to add a Google Calendar to your WordPress when you have a responsive website. So, I decided to share my experience with you so I can save some time for you if you need to add a Google Calendar to your website.

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Having a website is one thing and driving traffic to it is another. Many webmasters, new bloggers and countless other website owners often wonder about the complexities involved in search engine optimization (SEO).

SEO Terms You Need To Know

Your website’s homepage is the most important page of your website and you know it. It is the page where visitors land on your website. A lot of people do great design work on their home page. But design isn’t the only thing that is important. There are things that are important to make your visitor’s experience seamless and to get your website ranked well by search engines.

In this post, I am going to share with you a list of 25 SEO terms you need to know as you continue to build your website traffic:

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