I haven't seen a person who doesn't want to be successful in something. Everybody has dreams, everybody wants to be known for something, recognized for something – to be a success at something! Yet, success is always a minority in every field, in every walk of life.

Top 5 Excuses That Stop You From Embarking On The Success Journey

There are various reasons why people give up on their dreams at different stages of the journey. But those who do give up, always find an excuse to justify why they failed. In this post, however, let's discuss about top 5 excuses people give to justify why they failed to even embark on the journey:

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I recently met a few awesome WordPress bloggers, web developers and other hosting experts in a recent a WordPress meetup event this month. It was an interesting event targeted at educating WordPress developers and website owners about various security threats and how to take care of those.

Image - WordPress Backup - Website Down With And Backup Not Available

One thing that stuck me during the meeting was, the realization that so may people are not very deligent about taking backup of their websites. I was amazed to see the number of people who fell in that category not knowing how fatal mistake it may prove to be in case something goes wrong. Many people take backups here and there, but most aren't very systematic in this regard.

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Intrigued by the title, I grabbed the opportunity to have the privilege of getting a copy of Risky Is The New Safe book for a review before it hit the stands on 30th of October, 2012.

Risky Is The New Safe By Randy Gage - Buy At Amazon

I finished reading the book and I totally, positively agree with the author, Randy Gage who powerfully explains how the disruptive technology and ever accelerating speed of change are changing the way things are done in the world today.

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