To become an expert at anything, I believe, we must truly believe that we are talented in that area. We must believe in our God given talents and abilities. More importantly, we must believe in ourselves.

Discover Your Talents and Become An Expert - A Successful Entrepreneur Explaining Something

Do you value your life? Then waste not time, for that is the stuff life is made of.   ~Benjamin Franklin [tweet this]

The value of anything that we desire to acquire is determined by how much of our time, our resources and our energy we are willing to invest to acquire it.

If we believe in ourselves, we also value ourselves. We value our God given talents and abilities. We value our life and in turn, others begin to believe in us, value us.

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All kids have tremendous talents and we squander them pretty ruthlessly. ~ Sir Ken Robinson [tweet this]

Going through my old bookmarks, I found this brilliant 2006 TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson. In this incredible TED Talk, he argues that the public education system across our planet is designed to kill creativity.

Ted Talk By Sir Ken Robinson - How Public Schools Kill Creativity

In his 10.29 minutes of funny, engaging, and powerful TED talk, Sir Ken Robinson argues that we've been educated to become good workers, rather than creative thinkers.

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