Inspiring quotes are my passion. I simply love collecting quotes that inspire me, make me think and make me push the envelope one more time.

Inspiring quotes are those powerful nuggets of wisdom condensed into a line or two that leave a profound impact on our minds when we look for them.

I had actually posted hundreds of inspiring quotes in my collection on this website. Now, whenever I find some interesting and inspiring quote, I immediately add them to my library of quotes and also share on my social media channels for others to enjoy.

Today, I am going to share 28 of my favorite inspiring quotes that  inspire me when I need some inspiration. These quotes motivate me when I need a little motivation. Some of these quotes help me stay strong when I am faced with a challenging situation.

I am not going to include any commentary this time because these quotes speak for themselves and I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do. Please do not forget to share your thoughts in the comments section and add value to this post with your favorite quotes. Click here to go to comments section.

Here you go:

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