Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. ~Albert Einstein [tweet this]

"You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks." ~Winston Churchill [tweet this]

An inspiring story from my collections, is the story of a tiny frog who achieved the impossible. Several years ago a friend of mine sent this story in an email and it remained in my collection as one my favorite inspiring stories that teaches the value focus and intensity. I hope you enjoy this as much as I have over the years!

Focus On The Goal - Ignore Distractions To Achieve Success

The Story Of The Tiny Frog

There once was a bunch of tiny frogs who got together to arrange a competition to reach to the top of the highest tower in town.

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Network Marketing is one of the most thriving business industries  with billions of dollars of revenues each year generated worldwide.  We live in an incredible time where opportunities are everywhere and network marketing industry is growing at a phenomenal rate year after year.

Network Marketing Business Is Person-To-Person Marketing

People, in large numbers, are beginning to embrace the network marketing business opportunities every day because it is not just the most cost effective way to get practical business education, but a business with tremendous potential as well.

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I recently met a few awesome WordPress bloggers, web developers and other hosting experts in a recent a WordPress meetup event this month. It was an interesting event targeted at educating WordPress developers and website owners about various security threats and how to take care of those.

Image - WordPress Backup - Website Down With And Backup Not Available

One thing that stuck me during the meeting was, the realization that so may people are not very deligent about taking backup of their websites. I was amazed to see the number of people who fell in that category not knowing how fatal mistake it may prove to be in case something goes wrong. Many people take backups here and there, but most aren't very systematic in this regard.

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Many people find that setting up a website is complex task. It can be a little intimidating especially if you don't have experience with web technologies. Another option is to hire an expert. But, sometimes, your budget may not allow you to hire somebody to get your WordPress hosting, installation to get your blog set up.Krishna-World-Wide-FREE-Wordpress-Website-Setup-Team

If you have known me for a while, you now understand the importance of having a website. I have spent years helping my clients build a strong and profitable brand identity. And having a website, is a must for anyone wanting to do anything about their branding.

Many others those who want start a good professional, world-class website, continue to ask (or wonder) how to setup a self-hosted website. The question is obvious and indicates that many people get intimidated with this task.

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Intrigued by the title, I grabbed the opportunity to have the privilege of getting a copy of Risky Is The New Safe book for a review before it hit the stands on 30th of October, 2012.

Risky Is The New Safe By Randy Gage - Buy At Amazon

I finished reading the book and I totally, positively agree with the author, Randy Gage who powerfully explains how the disruptive technology and ever accelerating speed of change are changing the way things are done in the world today.

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The concept of having a safe secure job just because you have good degrees or skills, is now obsolete and there is a general awareness about the new economy where performance is everything.You can't make yourself irreplaceable just because you are highly educated or skilled alone.

How to Make Yourself Irreplaceable For Your Employer

As long as you can add value to the company you work for, as long as you can perform, you have a job. But, if your skills are not of much value to your employer or you are unable to perform as expected, no matter how long you may have worked for the company, you can be replaced.

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The Top 5 Motivation Killers post received a lot of great feedback and appreciation and now, in this post, let me share with you, the Top 5 Motivation Boosters that are surefire ways to propel you towards your desired destination!

You Need Motivation To Reach Your Destination - Top 5 Motivators

Here are the 5 things I have found to be the top motivators for me and I believe these can help you not just get motivated, but to stay that way until you achieve your dreams and goals.

Motivation Booster 1- Burning Desire

Napoleon Hill listed this as the first of the 13 success principles outlined in his incredible classic, Think And Grow Rich. He said in the chapter on desire,

Desire is the starting point for all achievement. [tweet this]

Everything begins with an idea or a dream, but what turns a great idea into reality is the fuel of human desire, a burning desire to make it happen. A dream by itself can only give us a temporary feeling of inspiration, but it needs a burning desire to stay motivated when obstacles challenge us during the journey.

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If you are in any kind of business or employed where your job requires you to talk to and influence people, Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There, is a must have book for your personal library. You owe to yourself to read this book!

Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There - Book Review

This is another phenomenal story based book that goes straight into my library of all time favorites! I picked up this book last week and couldn't put the book down until the very last page. No wonder it made into the elite list of bestselling books on Amazon.

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Living a balanced life is awesome! Sometimes when too much is on our plate, we feel the need for balance even more. With the growth of social media and dominance of the Internet, another layer of balancing issue has now emerged where the balance between our lives online and offline are causing some concerns as well.

Shutting Down The Internet To Simplify Our Lives - Not A Good Idea!

The Distraction Problem With Online Life

A recent research study showed that the urge to check and update the Facebook and Twitter is stronger and more frequent than that of sex, smoking and alcohol. Isn't it facinating to discover such a research report?

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Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of.  ~Proverb [tweet this]

We all have habits, some 'good' that serve us well and some others that are limiting and in many cases – harmful (such as smoking, drinking etc.). Harmful habits are what we call 'bad habits' and desire to get rid of.

Eliminating Bad Habits - Get Rid Of Them Permanently

I've been using a powerful technique whenever I want to break out of a habit that I don't want to keep. I am going to share with you that technique today and hope that you may find it helpful as well. But first, let me share a 5-step method that many have used and found useful so you can choose what best suites your need and style:

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