I guess you already figured out what I am going to discuss in this post from the title itself. However, if you don’t have kids, you can still participate in this conversation and perhaps, add some value from your perspective.

Cute Little Girls Playing With Their Smartphones Ignoring One Another In A Park - Social Media And Technology Effect

Social media, especially Facebook, is always a cause for concern among parents and a reason for friction in two different schools of thought.

Like all technology, social media is neutral but is best put to work in the service of building a better world.    ~Simon Mainwaring [tweet this]

One group of people thinks that Facebook and social media is evil and we should avoid it at all costs. Well, I don’t subscribe to that group and that is why this post is also not about them or for them.

The other group is of social media enthusiasts. I actively participate in this group for obvious reasons and this is what my online business is centered around.

But then, you know how powerful social media can be in building your personal brand, online reputation and growing your business at such a low cost if done right.

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I have two little boys and sometimes when they discuss about money, it’s fun to see the way they have a naturally abundance mindset. There is nothing they can’t afford. The big planes, the big cars, millions of dollars in their piggy bank to buy such things…. There is absolutely no limit on what they can buy.

What To Teach Your Kids About Money

We all had that abundance within us. But as we started to grow up, our self-image started to decrease along the way. Through the years of education, we start to believe that those cars, those big houses are not attainable in this lifetime and then, excuses take place of those dreams.

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