Have you come across people who come to you for answers but actually seem to have all the answers already?

Dealing With UnAccountable People Can Be A Frustrating Experience For Serious Entrepreneurs

The situation becomes even especially more challenging when they have not paid for your time in trying to help them get their answers. I have had several such encounters with people who wanted me to guide them; coaching them so they could succeed in their careers. But, as it turned out, they really were not looking for anything but to waste my time.
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I came across a very interesting article today on DumbLittleMan.com that talks about the importance of following a proven system of success and why such systems should be followed to the core by those who seek success.

Your Own Resolution To Succeed Is More Important Than The System Of Success You Follow

The author cites very good reasons to when he suggests why one shouldn't get "creative" to invent a new system.   It is a very good article with great examples.

However, I have some reservations against the theory of just following the system without being fully convinced about it and here are my examples and reasoning:

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