A few weeks ago, one of my friends came with his family to visit us over a weekend from Irving,TX. They stayed overnight with us and we had a great time cooking, watching movies and just talking about various things.

House On Fire - Firemen Working

As they returned to their apartment community the next day, they discovered that there had been a fire in their neighborhood during that night and two or three buildings around their building had turned into ashes. They just got lucky as their building was still standing and so their belongings were safe.

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Do you follow some traditions that do not make sense logically? If you are like me, you do at least a thing or two just becuase everybody else is doing it, even though you may not be happy about it.

Story Of Traditions - Farmer Rain And The Black Snake Breakfast Story

Looking through my old notes, I found this story which symbolically represents many old traditions that we follow without paying any attention to why we do what we do.  Let’s start this conversation with the story straight.

The Tradition Of Black Snake Breakfast

10,000 years ago, a farmer watches while his crops start to wither under the sun. The earth now baked dry with no signs of rain. This is unusual.  He is worried knowing not what to do.

One morning his wife catches a black snake, kills and cooks it for breakfast. Later that week the rains come and the crops are saved. The farmer is very happy.

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I came across a very interesting article today on DumbLittleMan.com that talks about the importance of following a proven system of success and why such systems should be followed to the core by those who seek success.

Your Own Resolution To Succeed Is More Important Than The System Of Success You Follow

The author cites very good reasons to when he suggests why one shouldn't get "creative" to invent a new system.   It is a very good article with great examples.

However, I have some reservations against the theory of just following the system without being fully convinced about it and here are my examples and reasoning:

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