I was watching a Bollywood movie, Shaarabi recently where the multi-millionaire father is so busy building and managing his business that he has no time for his only son. As the story goes, the son (though kind hearted), turns into an alcoholic who hates his own dad.

Family Time Together-Parents Playing With Kids At The Beach In The SunPhoto courtesy of © Depositphotos/Yuri_Arcurs

While the movie is very entertaining it reminded me of the dangers of ignoring our family, our own loved ones, while we search for future happiness.

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I haven't seen a person who doesn't want to be successful in something. Everybody has dreams, everybody wants to be known for something, recognized for something – to be a success at something! Yet, success is always a minority in every field, in every walk of life.

Top 5 Excuses That Stop You From Embarking On The Success Journey

There are various reasons why people give up on their dreams at different stages of the journey. But those who do give up, always find an excuse to justify why they failed. In this post, however, let's discuss about top 5 excuses people give to justify why they failed to even embark on the journey:

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