I love reading books on Leadership and personal development. I love to enhance my knowledge and sometimes, just to get a reconfirmation of what I already know about leadership.

Strong Leaders Avoid These 10 Characterists of Weak Leaders

Among many incredible lessons, one thing I’ve come to realize is, everybody is a leader at a certain level. We all have the ability to lead ourselves and be an example for somebody else. And the good news is, we all lead.

All leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less. ~John Maxwell [tweet this]

Everybody has some influence and that indicates the depth of their leadership. But then, why is it that some leaders can mobilize nations, and others, who have all the wisdom, all the knowledge in the world, have no influence?

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Time wasters are on top of the list these days because of so many distractions everywhere. Time wasters are things that steal time from your life. Time wasters rob you of the time you would ordinarily have kept and used for more productive endeavors.

Top 10 Time Wasters That Some Experts Talk About

There are many such activities you and I engage in that can be productive, if we are careful. Otherwise, these activities can become huge time wasters; pushing us away from our dreams and goals.

However, it’s amazing some ‘experts’ miscommunicate things and make healthy activities as time wasters. They make those things look as if they are really not worth spending time on. The goal of this post is to list some of the good things in life that can be a life saver and turn into time wasters if we are not careful about them. While many ‘experts’ make these look like time wasters, I think we can have many blessings if we take these activities seriously, consciously and make a decision to be productive.

The List Of So Called Top 10 Time Wasters

So, here is the list and I will let you go through them and decide for yourself if you think these are time wasters for you or a blessing, if you choose to make it so. Here you go:

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In a recent networking event, I had an opportunity to engage in a very interesting conversation with a senior sales manager of a large firm. I got a chance to ask him a few questions and learn a few things from him.

Top Sales Manager Sharing His Experience At A Networking EventPhoto courtesy of ©Depositphotos/Yuri_Arcurs

In a short conversation, he shared many little things he does regularly outside of his job responsibilities for his prospects and customers that have consistently helped him not just in keeping his existing clients pleased, but to grow his customer base tremendously by new referrals.

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Have you been in a situation where you are thinking about spending time with family while at work and then, at home you found yourself worrying about the job? It’s not very uncommon and personally, I have caught myself doing that many times and then thinking, "How can I reduce stress and increase my productivity?"

Meditation Is The Best Way To Reduce Mental Stress From Everyday Life - ImagePhoto courtesy of ©Depositphotos/odua

Living like that is very stressful way of living. It becomes hard to be productive at work and enjoy the family time while at home (and if you relate to this situation, you will agree). Naturally, a stressed mind can’t be effective at anything and if soon we do not make some changes, it drains our motivation, gives fatigue and in some case, it may cause some relationship troubles as well.

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"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." ~Robert Brault [tweet this]

Just out of college, I was looking to start my career when I got introduced to this newly married couple. They were made for each other and especially I was fascinated by their love story with solid twists and turns. Soon we became good friends.

New Married Couple In Love Spending Time Together In ParkPhoto courtesy of ©Depositphotos/zoooom

By the way, love marriages in India were still quite unusual in the society I lived, especially during those days. And those who did go that route, usually had a great story. Continue Reading…

I haven't seen a person who doesn't want to be successful in something. Everybody has dreams, everybody wants to be known for something, recognized for something – to be a success at something! Yet, success is always a minority in every field, in every walk of life.

Top 5 Excuses That Stop You From Embarking On The Success Journey

There are various reasons why people give up on their dreams at different stages of the journey. But those who do give up, always find an excuse to justify why they failed. In this post, however, let's discuss about top 5 excuses people give to justify why they failed to even embark on the journey:

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The concept of having a safe secure job just because you have good degrees or skills, is now obsolete and there is a general awareness about the new economy where performance is everything.You can't make yourself irreplaceable just because you are highly educated or skilled alone.

How to Make Yourself Irreplaceable For Your Employer

As long as you can add value to the company you work for, as long as you can perform, you have a job. But, if your skills are not of much value to your employer or you are unable to perform as expected, no matter how long you may have worked for the company, you can be replaced.

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Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of.  ~Proverb [tweet this]

We all have habits, some 'good' that serve us well and some others that are limiting and in many cases – harmful (such as smoking, drinking etc.). Harmful habits are what we call 'bad habits' and desire to get rid of.

Eliminating Bad Habits - Get Rid Of Them Permanently

I've been using a powerful technique whenever I want to break out of a habit that I don't want to keep. I am going to share with you that technique today and hope that you may find it helpful as well. But first, let me share a 5-step method that many have used and found useful so you can choose what best suites your need and style:

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Anybody can start something and anybody can quit – but it takes a winner to finish. Nobody wants to be a failure, nobody wants to be a quitter either. However, not everybody who starts something is able to finish the job.

It's not that I am lazy. It's just that I don't care - From Office Space movie

A lot of people start new ventures with great excitement and enthusiasm. They get off the starting line and start to run for sometime. But something happens on the way and they start to lose the motivation. Probably they start to doubt themselves or their ability to succeed. Finally, they give up on their dreams and fail to reach the finish line.

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It's amazing how many people do not read one book in their lifetime after getting out of school (or college). Well, I was one of those as well for several years. Never read a book, never attended a seminar or a workship for a long time!

Time Management - How We Manage Our Time Impacts What We Get From Life

Until one day, a family friend handed over "The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People" by Dr. Stephen Covey and, that one book, changed the direction I was headed towards in my life. That was the first book I picked up, and since then, I never stopped reading. Continue Reading…

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