Do you believe that you don’t need to talk about yourself if you are good at what you do? Or, shall we call it as a ‘myth’?

The Right Way And The Wrong Way Of Self-Promotion

Over the years I have met people who absolutely believe that the only people who promote themselves and talk about their skills and craft are those who are not good at it. Have you met people like that? Do you believe in that theory?

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I have not written about leadership for a while on this blog and I thought I need to talk about the relationship between confidence and success in this post.

Confidence Comes Naturally With SUCCESS but, SUCCESS Comes Only To Those Who Are Confident

Somebody I am coaching to set up a business shared a concern that triggered this post today. It’s very common and one of the things I struggled with in the beginning as well.

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Owning your own business is definitely the most preferable course of action everyone wants to take as soon as possible. Entrepreneurship is definitely more glorified in our society today than ever, and for good reasons.

Network Marketing Business - Great Success System For Entrepreneurs

Statistically speaking, there are about half a million new businesses started each month in the United States alone. Check out the details on these statics by Business Insider here. This number, of course, includes startups across all industries.

But, Statistics Are Not Always Exciting

However, isn’t it another interesting fact that 7 out of 10 businesses shut down in their first new years of operation?

Now, I don’t know about you but I have seen more people than I can count in just the last 2-3 years who started a business (all kinds of businesses) and they didn’t last very long.

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I have not met anybody who doesn’t want to start a business at some point in their life. And everyone who is in business, wants to become successful.

Business Growth Strategies For Leaders

I have met a number of ultra-successful business leaders throughout my business career and there are about 6 important growth strategies they all take very seriously when it comes to their business. I believe anybody, who pays close attention to these business lessons, can become extremely successful.

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Almost everyone I have met wants to succeed in their own business. Everybody also wants to find that secret recipe to success in entrepreneurship. I remember those days sitting with friends almost every Friday and planning to start different business ventures.

Group of young people discussing about starting their own business in a casual setting

We used to have great discussions. What idea is going to work the best? What will be a good location? How to get the capital to invest? Who will be the target market and what reserves will we need to have available? I remember planning everything, distributing responsibilities among the group for further investigation and then Monday would come and ruin all our plans.

The cycle would recur every few weeks and none of us started any business for years.

Does this scenario sound familiar to you?

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Investing in my future is the first thing I had to learn when I started my journey as an entrepreneur. It was an obvious but difficult habit to cultivate as I did not have a business background. I did not understand the value of investing in the beginning.

Investing In Your Blog As Business Is Important To Growth

However, with the help and support of my coach, I got over it and learnt to invest appropriately.

Long before I had this blog I learned that business owners need to think very differently than employees do. I needed to learn to think like a business owner if I intended to become one. Among many important things, relevant to this discussion, I needed to learn three important things: Continue Reading…

Everybody wants to be successful. I haven’t met an entrepreneur who doesn’t want to make it happen for his/her business. To a business leader, success of the enterprise is actually a responsibility.

What Separates Successful Business Leaders From The Unsuccessful

Yet, not everybody is able to make it. The question is – Why? How come some business leaders succeed beyond measure and others, in the same arena, can’t even make a mark? What are some of the differentiating factors?

This Difference Is Important

As a leader, it is important to understand the differentiating factors because you are responsible for your successes and failures equally. As a leader of your business, you need to plan your success, avoid the potholes and follow the path to success to make it happen.

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I was watching a Bollywood movie, Shaarabi recently where the multi-millionaire father is so busy building and managing his business that he has no time for his only son. As the story goes, the son (though kind hearted), turns into an alcoholic who hates his own dad.

Family Time Together-Parents Playing With Kids At The Beach In The SunPhoto courtesy of © Depositphotos/Yuri_Arcurs

While the movie is very entertaining it reminded me of the dangers of ignoring our family, our own loved ones, while we search for future happiness.

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Network Marketing is one of the most thriving business industries  with billions of dollars of revenues each year generated worldwide.  We live in an incredible time where opportunities are everywhere and network marketing industry is growing at a phenomenal rate year after year.

Network Marketing Business Is Person-To-Person Marketing

People, in large numbers, are beginning to embrace the network marketing business opportunities every day because it is not just the most cost effective way to get practical business education, but a business with tremendous potential as well.

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I have read literally hundreds of books on topics like leadership, team building, motivation and the like. As I read, if something comes up with an extraordinary message, it goes into my classic collections. Beyond Success is clearly goes in my favorite classic collections. The book is full of extremely useful and practical leadership and team building skills that go straight into the heart!

Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming. - John Wooden

Coach John Wooden of UCLA will always be remembered not only for his unparellel success record, but for the quality of the character he helped build in the teams he coached. Most NBA teams today have trouble emulating the team effectiveness Continue Reading…