Every business leader wants to have an inspired team. Every team members joins the team with an intention to be self-motivated to add value to the organization. But, something happens on the way and most business teams are no more inspired.

Inspired Team Members Happy At Work - Doing Their Jobs With Positive Mental Attitude

Why does that happen?

It also happens that the places of service where we expect people to be the least enthusiastic, we get an excellent service by an enthusiastic individual and where we expect people to be at their best (even in the private sector), we experience the worst.

Why does that happen?

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When I first watched this incredible TED talk by Simon Sinek, I was amazed the way he explained the "Law of Diffusion Of Innovation". I watched this video several times, made some notes as well.

[media url=”http://vimeo.com/12892793″]

Later that week I was going to give in a training session on the importance of Social Media Marketing and I realized Simon's talk gave me so much energy and direction that I was suddenly empowered. I went ahead with my presentation and it was a massive success.

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