The challenge of having a productive and inspiring online experience is a big one. Especially, when your computer is connected to the internet,  it seems distractions are just waiting to happen.

Setup Inspiring Browser Home Page For Inspiring Online Experience

Disconnecting the internet, checking emails only once a day etc. are not the things some of us can accept as a good solution. In fact, to me and to many entrepreneurs with online businesses, such recommendations are counterproductive.

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Who doesn’t want to be successful in their endeavor? Every entrepreneur wants success and if you are like me, you also want it as of yesterday.

Successful People Are Simply Those With Successful Habits-Brian Tracy - Post Image

Since starting my journey of entrepreneurship, I have studied success stories of many extraordinary entrepreneurs (Rich Devos, Sam Walton, Steve Jobs etc.), successful sports personalities (John Wooden,  Tom Landry etc.) and some extremely successful bloggers (Darren Rowse, Michael Hyatt, Neil Patel etc.) and learned tremendous motivation.

I have mentioned on several occasions that I continue to attend many success seminars and workshops regularly as I continue to learn and grow. Seminars and workshops are definitely my favorite because of the power of association which makes a huge difference in our mindset!

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Every business leader wants to have an inspired team. Every team members joins the team with an intention to be self-motivated to add value to the organization. But, something happens on the way and most business teams are no more inspired.

Inspired Team Members Happy At Work - Doing Their Jobs With Positive Mental Attitude

Why does that happen?

It also happens that the places of service where we expect people to be the least enthusiastic, we get an excellent service by an enthusiastic individual and where we expect people to be at their best (even in the private sector), we experience the worst.

Why does that happen?

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