Kumar Gauraw

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Kumar Gauraw is a Personal Branding & Social Media strategist helping entrepreneurs and skilled professionals achieve personal and professional success by developing leadership and leveraging the power of the Internet, Blogging and Social Media.

16 Awesome Thoughts So Far, Add Yours Now...

  1. I had created my Twitter account a long time ago and found it very confusing. So, I stopped using. But, may be I will try it one more time as these tips do make a lot of sense to me. Thank you for always teaching lessons on growing our business in many many ways. Thank you for your mentorship.

    • You are welcome. And yes, it is a good idea to be there in Twitter. It will definitely help.

  2. Ujjwal

    Wow, just all points are good but I like your point that Twitter is like a open networking forum where most people walk into and start shouting without paying attention to what others have to say πŸ™‚ Thank you!!!!!!

    • @Ujjwal – Glad you enjoyed this. Thank you for stopping by.

  3. Mr. Kumar,
    I joined Twitter a couple of last year just trying to understand what is this. I was inactive for couple of months, now I’m connected with some of the leaders in my field and getting benefit from the articles and sites they recommends in their tweet.
    I do practice some of Twitter basics, after reading this blog now I know more – excellent tips!
    The way you explained in para “Twitter Is Like An Open Networking Forum” it’s awesome I can relate myself … overall this blog is great learning for me about tweeter and it’s best practices
    Best Regards,

    • Awesome Ranjan ji. I am proud of you for taking charge! You are doing great.

  4. Very nice and depth explained Mr.kumar. This is great approach to make knowledge alive and apply in way to lead toward success and fame.Thanks for sharing…

    • You are very welcome Atit. I am glad you enjoyed reading the post πŸ™‚

  5. Thank you Kumar,

    Your post is a reminder to be more engaging. I know I have fallen down
    in this department as I have been more engaged in offline projects.

    All great points. Thanks again.

    Kind Regards,

  6. Glad you enjoyed Bill. Thank you for reading and taking time to respond.

  7. Thanks, Kumar, for the information:) I always like your post because of information I get. I don’t use Twitter so much yet, maybe because it’s not very popular in the country I live now, but in the future this info will be very helpful!

  8. Hi Kumar,

    Top influencers… Hmm, well, yes it’s good to see what they do but it’s not good to be a copycat. Those guys and girls are human beings too. Some of them … you don’t really want to copy…

    I remember one of them, a Top X Forbes social media influencer… Just one example… A few months ago she tweeted something like this… breaking news bla bla. I don’t remember what exactly was that “news” about – a new feature rolled out by I don’t remember which social media platform. Anyway… it was outdated info from August 2012. I supposed it was an automatic tweet and I told her. Guess what reply I got…

    That article and that headline are just fine. For some people that’s breaking news.

    Social media influencer thoughts… Never admit your mistakes, pretend that you’re a god and everyone else is just a stupid human being.

    How is that? Honestly, I’m sick of some so called social media experts πŸ™‚ The more you know some of them, the more you do NOT wanna to be that type of social media “expert”.

    • Tell me about it Adrian πŸ™‚
      But the point is, we have good ones and fake ones virtually every field. And I wouldn’t want to be ” that kind” of expert either. Yet, for the love of the word, I would like to strive to be a genuine one with an intention to help fellow beings. What do you say about that? πŸ™‚

      Thank you for sharing your views, again!


  9. What do I say about that? … That’s great! πŸ™‚


    P.S. “Be careful from whose eyes you see the world through” – R. Kiyosaki

  10. Kumar;

    I love the content in this particular post! Especially the way you describe twitter as being a huge live networking event and everybody’s talking over everybody else! And nobodies listening! That about describes it!

    And by the way, your first graphic with the three birds on the branch. The third one definitely describes me!LOL! Wondering, what the heck is this whole twitter thing about!

    You offer some excellent and easy to implement tips! Thanks for sharing and I’ll be sure to help get the word out!

    • Aha! So you did enjoy that picture πŸ™‚ LOL!

      Yeah, I was like that third bird for a long time myself. But then, finally figured it out and now I realize how powerful those 140 characters can really be πŸ™‚

      Don’t worry, you will be able to figure this out soon too. Just don’t give up on Twitter πŸ™‚


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