Starting your own website doesn’t seem to be rocket science and, it’s not. But, having a plan in place to launch, knowing exactly what to do before and after the launch is very important for your success.
Preparing To Launch A New Website For Your Business
I have often wondered, and I have seen many of my friends beating around the bushes to find success after starting a new website. Sometimes, I have ended up making the same mistakes a second and a third time. If you have launched a website or are planning to, you know what I’m talking about.

With website design and development in full swing, I am again thinking to revisit my launch plan of this website with my partner, Bill Butler. is a creative project with the intention to entertain and educate, while helping our readers expand their vocabulary in English language in a very creative manner.

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When it comes to using social media as an entrepreneur, should you invest your time in growing your presence on Google+?
Google Plus - Is this social networking site going to live or is it another failed project from Google
There are different purposes behind using different social networking websites. But, does Google+ deserve an investment of your time?

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Being effective means being able to manage our time in a productive manner and achieving productive activities. Going by that understanding, social media is usually considered as a time waster.

Ways To Use Social Media For Doing Things In Life And Business You Are Doing Anyway Everyday

One of the biggest challenges for small business owners is to quantify the return on investment, this includes social media activities.

It is even harder for those with decent success in their business without using social media to even comprehend any productive use of social media.

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Personal Branding is not a term most probably you are unaware of anymore. Chances are, you are already working hard to build your brand identity in the marketplace.

Personal Branding For Entrepreneurs - Businessman Designing Brand Strategy

I thought of writing about this again today because I see a lot of people doing too many things going in all directions in an effort to build a personal brand probably because they still don’t understand what it really means.

So, let’s talk about it!

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As an entrepreneur, managing your brand reputation is very important. In today’s marketplace where social media is such a dominant marketing tool, you simply need to be on top of things on social media.

Social Media Management Using Hootsuite Features

Do you really have to be on top of social media?

Well, not if you don’t want to grow your business by leveraging the power social media and internet marketing has to offer. You can simply ignore it and build your business slowly using traditional ways and it may still work the way it always has.

But if you want to be on the cutting edge and build your brand identity online to take your business on fast track, you can’t afford to ignore social media marketing. And that is when reputation management becomes an important aspect of your overall campaign.

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Just a couple of decades ago, blogging didn’t even exist. It is relatively a new thing when we compared to some of the old ways of advertising, marketing or finding new business. However, there are about 200+ million blogs running on the internet today.

Amazing Benefits Of Blogging

Blogging has established itself as the center of all online marketing where even big brands are paying a lot of attention to it.

Yet, I see so many people puzzled about blogging and its potential. Some are afraid that they are not good at this or that or something along those lines (just like fear of public speaking) while many others do not see it as a viable option.

But what concerns me the most is when smart people, who are successful at what they do, don’t see the point. They outrageously reject blogging as a viable marketing tool, thinking it is for people who have nothing better going on in their lives. Continue Reading…

Hashtags have now begun to get into the mainstream since Facebook adopted the concept in recent weeks. If you are on Facebook, you will see Hashtags in your news feed and when you click on anyone of them, you will see many other posts related to that topic.

Hashtags On Facebook - All You Need To Know About Hashtags

If you have not been active on Twitter, you may not yet know Hashtags and their relevance. However, by the time you are done reading this post, you will know everything you need to know about Hashtags and how you can use them.

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