Doing What Must Be Done by Chad Hymas, is the book I have been reading since last week as I mentioned in my last post, Positive Thinking – It Takes Work While Negative Is Automatic. Now that I have just finished the book, I must admit, I couldn't keep the book down until finished. If I had to take a break for any reason, I got restless until I got back to reading again.
I am overwhelmed with the inspiration, the motivation and the positive thinking this book has pumped into my soul. It's an absolutely incredible story with absolutely incredible messages throughout the pages!
Chad Hymas, the author, is a world record wheelchair athelete with a new world record of wheeling his chair for 513 miles from Salt Lak City to Las Vegas in July 2003. He has been named "One of the 10 Most Inspirational People In The World" by the Wall Street Journal. Chad is also the youngest ever to be inducted into the prestigious Speaker Hall of Fame of the National Speakers Associations.
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