Have your scheduled posts ever missed their schedules in WordPress? Did you find a solution to the problem? How did you fix it (if you fixed)?

Permanent solution to the WordPress Error of Missed Schedules on posts and other scheduled tasks

One of the issues people say they started to notice was the missed schedule errors since WordPress version 3.5. A lot of people have experienced this error after they implemented W3 Total Cache plugin.

Digging further, some people say the problem arises when Database Caching or Object Caching is enabled in W3 Total Cache plugin. There are many different opinions about it. However, it’s not clear if W3 Total Cache will ever be able to fix this problem.

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When was the last time you analyzed your blog traffic to identify your most popular blog posts? How many of those posts are from last year or the year before last?

Discussion - Whether You Should  Hide Blog Published Date On Your Blog Posts Or Display Published Date Promptly

It’s not just about Google. The real readers of your blog, the humans also tend to be highly focused on what’s new. No matter how great your content is and how relevant it is — chances are, your readers will ignore it if they notice that it was published 3 years ago.

Don’t trust me?

Well, try bringing up one of your favorite blog posts from 3 years ago and highlight it on your homepage without changing its published date! Let’s see how much traffic you receive on that post.

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