Even if you don’t have any problem in writing effectively and consistently, I am sure you know people who want to, but can’t express themselves in writing.
Strategies To Write Effectively Even If Writing Is Not Your Passion-Blog-Post-Image
I have had friends who loved what I do on my blog. They also wanted to make money just as I do through blogging and online marketing. So, I helped them set up their websites and many of them stayed active for a while.

But then something happened down the line and they lost their dream. That isn’t a new thing for me because people do let other people and situations steal their dreams all the time.

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The other day, I was in a Toastmasters meeting where we had a usual meeting with three speakers followed by three evaluators. We also had some guests and everybody did a great job that night.

Power Words To Empower Your Writing As Content Writer - Hands on keyboard

However, something that drew my attention was a comment from one of the guests who appreciated one of our evaluators like this  (and I paraphrase):

“What I appreciated the most was the way you did your evaluation for the speaker #2 in such an uplifting manner. You used empowering words like ‘phenomenal’, ‘absolutely’, ‘terrific’ and ‘amazing’. By using those words, you not only uplifted the speaker but also everybody.”

That remark by the guest made me think about what happens in the online world. Why is that I get so impressed when I watch Robin Sharma’s videos? And why don’t I watch videos by some other accomplished people that much?

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One of the things that I have found the most rewarding is the habit of being consistent. First of all, I don’t start something unless I am sure I can finish it. And if I start something, I don’t quit. I stay the course till the end.

Writing Blog Posts Regularly When Not Feeling Like An Expert Blogger

Blogging can be a hobby or a profession depending upon your understanding and perception about this concept. To me, I don’t have time to waste. If I am investing my time in writing blog posts, I prefer to do it seriously than playing at it like a hobby.

Why is that so?

It Is A Rule Of Thumb In Every Field

Growing up in India, I saw (and also participated) in playing cricket with friends on streets. We still play cricket on holidays whenever possible. If you enjoy any other sports such as soccer, football, tennis, basketball etc., you will find people who play it as a hobby and enjoy watching big games on TV.

On the other hand, there are those who got started just like you and me, took that game seriously, worked hard, stayed consistent with practice and went on to become a professional player. They are the ones who come on TV when hobbyist and other fans watch the big games.

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Since you are on this page, you probably are looking for the opportunity to guest blog here. I assume that you have looked around and you know that I take my blog seriously. I am committed to adding value to my readers and to you as an author.

If you have some great content that you would like to share with my readers, I have some great news for you. At this time, I am accepting guest posts for publishing on this blog from credible and sincere authors like yourself.

Kumar Gauraw - Inviting Guest Bloggers To Write For My Blog

If you are interested in posting a guest article , I will be glad to work with you and publish your creation for my readers. However, here are a few guidelines for an article to be published on my blog.

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