Dreams have power, and simply because of the power of a dream, I am going to work with Richard Branson! I am so excited about it.

[note background=”#F6F6F6″] This is a guest post by Aistis Zidanavicius. He is an entrepreneur and a blogger. To connect with him, check out the links to his social media profiles in the Author Box at the bottom of this post. [/note]

Richard Branson Speaking From Stage In Conference

A year ago I got a dream. I had a dream to meet Richard Branson. He has been one of my those inspiring personalities I have always admired. He has been one my heroes because of many things he accomplished in life and because of his relaxed and positive attitude towards everything he does.

Just a few days ago my dream came true and I want to share this story with you today. I hope my story gives you the inspiration to dream big and have faith.

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Have you been in a situation where you are thinking about spending time with family while at work and then, at home you found yourself worrying about the job? It’s not very uncommon and personally, I have caught myself doing that many times and then thinking, "How can I reduce stress and increase my productivity?"

Meditation Is The Best Way To Reduce Mental Stress From Everyday Life - ImagePhoto courtesy of ©Depositphotos/odua

Living like that is very stressful way of living. It becomes hard to be productive at work and enjoy the family time while at home (and if you relate to this situation, you will agree). Naturally, a stressed mind can’t be effective at anything and if soon we do not make some changes, it drains our motivation, gives fatigue and in some case, it may cause some relationship troubles as well.

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Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. ~Albert Einstein [tweet this]

"You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks." ~Winston Churchill [tweet this]

An inspiring story from my collections, is the story of a tiny frog who achieved the impossible. Several years ago a friend of mine sent this story in an email and it remained in my collection as one my favorite inspiring stories that teaches the value focus and intensity. I hope you enjoy this as much as I have over the years!

Focus On The Goal - Ignore Distractions To Achieve Success

The Story Of The Tiny Frog

There once was a bunch of tiny frogs who got together to arrange a competition to reach to the top of the highest tower in town.

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