The concept of having a safe secure job just because you have good degrees or skills, is now obsolete and there is a general awareness about the new economy where performance is everything.You can't make yourself irreplaceable just because you are highly educated or skilled alone.

How to Make Yourself Irreplaceable For Your Employer

As long as you can add value to the company you work for, as long as you can perform, you have a job. But, if your skills are not of much value to your employer or you are unable to perform as expected, no matter how long you may have worked for the company, you can be replaced.

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Let’s face it, who doesn’t have problems? If you have problems in your life, that’s simply means that you’re alive. Problems come unbidden, and oftentimes unexpectedly. So when they do, no matter their size, they need to be dealt with.

Hot Air Balloon Problem Solving Technique by Bill Butler

Many of our problems are a result of our own blunders. We often make mountains out of molehills such that avoiding the day ahead seems like the only viable option. But the truth is… avoiding problems will not solve them. It will only serve to magnify and exacerbate them. 

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Einstein Quote-We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

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