The concept of having a safe secure job just because you have good degrees or skills, is now obsolete and there is a general awareness about the new economy where performance is everything.You can't make yourself irreplaceable just because you are highly educated or skilled alone.

How to Make Yourself Irreplaceable For Your Employer

As long as you can add value to the company you work for, as long as you can perform, you have a job. But, if your skills are not of much value to your employer or you are unable to perform as expected, no matter how long you may have worked for the company, you can be replaced.

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Social Media for Business Leaders

If you are in college, you are busy with classes and your assignments. If you are a professional working on a job, no time left between job and family. Everybody is busy with things on their plate. And to add to the pain – Social is a new irresistable temptation…or better yet – a new need of the hour that you must keep up with. Social media is becoming increasingly vital component of our lives.

Interestingly, even today, some people still ask, "Is it really needed? Is it not a waste of time?"


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