When it comes to blog commenting, there is always a debate as to which commenting system is the best and which one should you use.

CommentLuv Premium Guest Post by Adrienne Smith With A Free Giveaway Premium Licenses by Andy Bailey

Well, the grass is always greener on the other side and I see that true in blogging arena too.

People who have default WordPress commenting system, they wonder if they should switch to CommentLuv or should they choose DISQUS?

People who have one of these commenting systems, they seem to wonder if the other one is better.

We had a wonderful guest blog post by none other than Adrienne Smith just a few days ago about CommentLuv, it’s components and some incredible features of the tool and.

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[note background=”#F0F0F0″]This is a guest post by my friend Adrienne Smith. She is a blogging coach admired by many and an expert at building relationships and blog commenting. Please feel free to connect with Adrienne on Facebook, Twitter or Google+
Don’t forget to enter the lucky draw at the end of this post, you might win a FREE Premium License![/note] CommentLuv Premium is the brain child of Andy Bailey and I am sure most of you either use this plugin or at least have heard of it.
CommentLuv Premium Guest Post by Adrienne Smith With A Free Giveaway Premium Licenses by Andy Bailey
Andy knew he could improve upon the free version but would need some beta testers to try out this new plugin before he released it to the public.  I immediately signed up since I loved the free one and I was eager to take it for a test drive.

Because I have been using this plugin for all these years and I still love it to death, Kumar asked me if I wouldn’t mind sharing with his readers why I think this is absolutely the best plugin around and what you might not know about what it can do.

Why Some People Don’t Like CommentLuv

If you have a WordPress blog and are using CommentLuv then people want to comment on your blog to get a dofollow link.

One of Google’s 200 requirements for ranking your site are building backlinks.

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Matt Cutts, who runs Webspam at Google rocked the SEO world with his latest post titled “The decay and fall of guest blogging for SEO”. I have received countless blog posts, newsletters and questions from people all over since then.

Guest Blogging Is Not Dead - Quality Guest Posts Are Still Valuable For Branding Traffic And SEO

And therefore, I decided to consolidate my findings in this post and provide my perspective of what is happening and what really is going to happen with regard to guest blogging in the short term and in the long term.

The Cause Of Panic In The SEO World

This is what Matt Cutts said and it has a lot of SEO experts worried (especially those who have been using guest blogging as their main SEO strategy):

Okay, I’m calling it: if you’re using guest blogging as a way to gain links in 2014, you should probably stop. Why? Because over time it’s become a more and more spammy practice, and if you’re doing a lot of guest blogging then you’re hanging out with really bad company.

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Often we hear some or the other major site being hacked or a sensitive database being compromised somewhere. It is scary to imagine that your website can be hacked or somebody can steal it from you.

Protect Your WordPress Website From Hackers And Spammers

If you remember about the recent Brute Force Attacks on WordPress websites, it was pretty bad. We had discussed about tightening the security of your website at the time in following post:

But one of the things that is not so critical as hacking of your website or a brute force attack is the challenge of comments spammers who can get you frustrated pretty quickly. In fact, it can be very frustrating for you and a lot more resource consuming process for your web server.

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