The challenge of having a productive and inspiring online experience is a big one. Especially, when your computer is connected to the internet,  it seems distractions are just waiting to happen.

Setup Inspiring Browser Home Page For Inspiring Online Experience

Disconnecting the internet, checking emails only once a day etc. are not the things some of us can accept as a good solution. In fact, to me and to many entrepreneurs with online businesses, such recommendations are counterproductive.

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Whether you have a Positive Attitude or a negative attitude, it is contagious. Whatever is your attitude, people around you are catching it whether or not they desire. Therefore, it makes sense to have a great attitude,” said my business coach once speaking of attitude.

Keys To Developing And Maintaining Positive Attitude

Positive Attitude  is something we all desire to have. Consciously most of us want to be positive, be around uplifting people. However, subconsciously, we are very sensitive to negative, as Wallace D. Wattles writes in his famous The Science of Getting Rich  first published in 1912.

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New Year is the time when I’ve always felt that all of us are filled with new energy, new hopes of new beginnings and we all so look forward to the best year. Once again we are almost done with this current year and so looking forward to another year filled with success and happiness.

Happy Holidays - Happy New Year - Goal Settings And Game Planning For Brand New Year


Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson [tweet this]

I remember writing down new dreams, talking about it, praying to God (secretly) to make those dreams come true while I was a little kid. And, of course, if those things didn’t happen, the punishment to God was – no prayer for next several weeks or even months!

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A couple of days ago, as I was taking an inventory of my daily activities, I was amazed to see the list of things I got done just in one day. My list had activities starting from paying bills, dropping and picking up kids from school, going to meetings, meeting potential customers, attending networking events and all the way to publishing a new article for this blog.

Living Positively And Powerfully Every Single Day

Wow! It is just amazing how much we can get done just in a day these days. With all the new technologies, gadgets, fast paced life and new ideas coming our way, our lives are so much better already.

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Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so let us all be thankful. ~Buddha

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