Being effective means being able to manage our time in a productive manner and achieving productive activities. Going by that understanding, social media is usually considered as a time waster.

Ways To Use Social Media For Doing Things In Life And Business You Are Doing Anyway Everyday

One of the biggest challenges for small business owners is to quantify the return on investment, this includes social media activities.

It is even harder for those with decent success in their business without using social media to even comprehend any productive use of social media.

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Should you build a brand image on your name or should you establish a company name and brand it while you remain invisible?

Happy Customers - Satisfied Customers - Shopping Online At Their Favorite Brand's Website

I had this discussion with a young online marketer from India  several months ago who wanted to stay behind a company name for his own strategic reasons. And that topic seems to come back in different forms over and over. So, I decided to touch on that as well in this post.

The Two Schools Of Thought On Branding

People from one school of thought on branding prefer to establish a company name where they want to stay anonymously behind the scene. They do so for following reasons:

  1. They think it will be easy to sell and walk out the company if it grows to a level where big players want to pay for it.
  2. If something  goes wrong, they can close the company and walk out clean to go and build another company without affecting their personal identity.
  3. They believe it gives them a choice to start a business in any domain irrespective of their social status because nobody will know who is behind it.

And then, there are others who believe differently. People like John Maxwell, Michael Hyatt, Neil Patel and others who drive their businesses by putting themselves up front. They build their own brand name bigger than any other brand identity of any other company that they run.

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I guess you already figured out what I am going to discuss in this post from the title itself. However, if you don’t have kids, you can still participate in this conversation and perhaps, add some value from your perspective.

Cute Little Girls Playing With Their Smartphones Ignoring One Another In A Park - Social Media And Technology Effect

Social media, especially Facebook, is always a cause for concern among parents and a reason for friction in two different schools of thought.

Like all technology, social media is neutral but is best put to work in the service of building a better world.    ~Simon Mainwaring [tweet this]

One group of people thinks that Facebook and social media is evil and we should avoid it at all costs. Well, I don’t subscribe to that group and that is why this post is also not about them or for them.

The other group is of social media enthusiasts. I actively participate in this group for obvious reasons and this is what my online business is centered around.

But then, you know how powerful social media can be in building your personal brand, online reputation and growing your business at such a low cost if done right.

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With the rise of social media and online marketing, social media consulting has become a flourishing industry in itself. Many business owners outsource the task of social media marketing to somebody who can handle it well.

Hiring Social Media Consultant For Branding And Online Marketing

It is such an important area and there are so many self-proclaimed internet and online marketing experts out there. As a business owner, if you plan to hire a social media expert, you must select the person you choose to work with very carefully.

You need someone who can understand your value system, raise your brand awareness in the marketplace and help your brand name gain popularity in social media. Here are 12 key checkpoints you can use to evaluate your prospective social media consultant:

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Social Media for Business Leaders

If you are in college, you are busy with classes and your assignments. If you are a professional working on a job, no time left between job and family. Everybody is busy with things on their plate. And to add to the pain – Social is a new irresistable temptation…or better yet – a new need of the hour that you must keep up with. Social media is becoming increasingly vital component of our lives.

Interestingly, even today, some people still ask, "Is it really needed? Is it not a waste of time?"


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