Have you noticed some blogs get the limelight, just in a short span of time after they launch, while others struggle for years for a little traffic? Why does that happen?

10 Blogging Mistakes You Should Avoid To Avoid Stress Of Losing Traffic And Engagement On Your Website

Why do some bloggers start to get into the mainstream so fast while others, far more capable and talented, can’t figure out why can’t they get their share of the pie? What mistakes are they making?

Are You On The Right Track?

First of all, success is a subjective thing and, whether or not you are becoming successful with your blog, depends on your goals.

This is a very important point to remember. You must have clarity about your blogging goals because a confused mind can’t make right decisions.

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One of the things that I have found the most rewarding is the habit of being consistent. First of all, I don’t start something unless I am sure I can finish it. And if I start something, I don’t quit. I stay the course till the end.

Writing Blog Posts Regularly When Not Feeling Like An Expert Blogger

Blogging can be a hobby or a profession depending upon your understanding and perception about this concept. To me, I don’t have time to waste. If I am investing my time in writing blog posts, I prefer to do it seriously than playing at it like a hobby.

Why is that so?

It Is A Rule Of Thumb In Every Field

Growing up in India, I saw (and also participated) in playing cricket with friends on streets. We still play cricket on holidays whenever possible. If you enjoy any other sports such as soccer, football, tennis, basketball etc., you will find people who play it as a hobby and enjoy watching big games on TV.

On the other hand, there are those who got started just like you and me, took that game seriously, worked hard, stayed consistent with practice and went on to become a professional player. They are the ones who come on TV when hobbyist and other fans watch the big games.

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I have read literally hundreds of books on topics like leadership, team building, motivation and the like. As I read, if something comes up with an extraordinary message, it goes into my classic collections. Beyond Success is clearly goes in my favorite classic collections. The book is full of extremely useful and practical leadership and team building skills that go straight into the heart!

Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming. - John Wooden

Coach John Wooden of UCLA will always be remembered not only for his unparellel success record, but for the quality of the character he helped build in the teams he coached. Most NBA teams today have trouble emulating the team effectiveness Continue Reading…