I have not written about leadership for a while on this blog and I thought I need to talk about the relationship between confidence and success in this post.

Confidence Comes Naturally With SUCCESS but, SUCCESS Comes Only To Those Who Are Confident

Somebody I am coaching to set up a business shared a concern that triggered this post today. It’s very common and one of the things I struggled with in the beginning as well.

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One thing I absolutely take seriously is to begin the day with gratitude. This is the most powerful way I have found to prepare for the day after getting up.

Man Reading Personal Development book in library

Another thing I do in the morning to at least take 15-20 minutes to read a few pages from one of my favorite personal development books. Not just once, I have read some of these books several times and I love to go back to them whenever I get the opportunity. Interestingly, my reading habit helps me feel even more grateful and be more intentional about my life.

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Have you ever wondered if there was a way to inject self confidence and positive mental attitude? Harvard researcher Amy Cuddy says, "Your body language shapes who you are!" [tweet this]

In this incredible TED Talk that I just watched, social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how “power posing” (standing in a posture of confidence), even when we don’t feel confident,can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success.

Amy Cuddy, in this TED Talk, shares her research on body language that reveals how we can change other people’s perceptions — and even our own body chemistry — simply by changing body positions.

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I have read literally hundreds of books on topics like leadership, team building, motivation and the like. As I read, if something comes up with an extraordinary message, it goes into my classic collections. Beyond Success is clearly goes in my favorite classic collections. The book is full of extremely useful and practical leadership and team building skills that go straight into the heart!

Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming. - John Wooden

Coach John Wooden of UCLA will always be remembered not only for his unparellel success record, but for the quality of the character he helped build in the teams he coached. Most NBA teams today have trouble emulating the team effectiveness Continue Reading…