With the rise of social media and online marketing, social media consulting has become a flourishing industry in itself. Many business owners outsource the task of social media marketing to somebody who can handle it well.

Hiring Social Media Consultant For Branding And Online Marketing

It is such an important area and there are so many self-proclaimed internet and online marketing experts out there. As a business owner, if you plan to hire a social media expert, you must select the person you choose to work with very carefully.

You need someone who can understand your value system, raise your brand awareness in the marketplace and help your brand name gain popularity in social media. Here are 12 key checkpoints you can use to evaluate your prospective social media consultant:

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If you don’t know what Klout is, you should probably spend 15 minutes of your time to learn about it. I wondered about this for sometime and I am here to share with you what I learnt when I researched as to why and how much does it matter today.

You Have A Klout Score And It Does Matter

If you have a Twitter account, you already have a Klout score whether or not you’re aware of it. If you are on Social Networking websites, you have a Klout score already though you may not know. I tend to think it is worth finding out anyway.

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