In a local business development association, I spoke about the importance of education, the importance of positive association, and how the habit of reading can play a vital role in our success in any endeavor.

Bad Habits That Stop You From Succeeding

That brought me to the idea of… “What are some of the bad habits that can simply do the opposite?” What are some of the habits that people have which stops them from their true potential, even though they may be talented?

We are what we repeatedly do. Therefore, excellence is not an act. It is a habit. —Aristotle [tweet this]

We can cultivate some good habits and become better, or we can cultivate some bad ones and become bitter. I have come to the conclusion that we all have some habits, whether we have developed them consciously or subconsciously. We all act and think in certain ways based on our thinking habits.

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Do you realize everyone has a continuous stream of internal monologue running in their heads all the time? While walking, reading, listening to a song, talking to a friend, eating food or doing almost anything – we are always talking to ourselves in our own mind.

Negative Thoughts Lower Your Self-Esteem

Our internal monologue has a powerful impact on how we feel, how we behave, and how we live our lives. Unfortunately, most of us are largely unaware of it even happening, while much of what goes on within our mind is automatically negative. Too often, this internal monologue consists of extremely unhelpful thoughts that often hinder our effectiveness, productivity and attitude.

The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. ―Albert Einstein  [tweet this]

Some of the dominant thoughts which occupy your mind and affect your mindset in a negative way must be controlled and be diluted intentionally.

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Positive Thinking is what we all aspire to develop. But technically speaking, negative is what subconsciously we are susceptible to. Here is my perspective on why it is so hard to think positive and remain that way consistently and what can we do about it.

Being positive or negative are habits of thoughts that have a very strong influence on life.Photo Courtesy of Bill Butler

Did you know that our mind can do 100 trillion calculations per second? What an amazing instrument under our possession!

Did you also know that, even with this infinitely powerful brain, it is impossible for you to smile and be angry at the same time? If you want to test this, give it a try… right now – I can wait. Continue Reading…

Tell the negative committee that meets inside your head to sit down and shut up ~ Ann Bradford

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