Anyone who has never made a mistake, has never tried anything new.        ~Albert Einstein [tweet this]
We all make mistakes in life, learn from them and move on. In business as well, while selling our ideas, products or services, we do make a few mistakes and the same process repeats – we correct them, learn from them and move to the next steps.

Success In Sales - Avoid Common Mistakes - Blog Post By Kumar GaurawPhoto courtesy of ©Depositphotos / choreograph

While this is how we all learn and grow, how do we ensure success in sales? If that is your challenge, here are the most common 5 sales mistakes people make that can potentially break the sales process or even damage their reputation. I have made all of these mistakes at some point and I often remind myself to be careful about not repeating them again.

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If you are in any kind of business or employed where your job requires you to talk to and influence people, Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There, is a must have book for your personal library. You owe to yourself to read this book!

Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There - Book Review

This is another phenomenal story based book that goes straight into my library of all time favorites! I picked up this book last week and couldn't put the book down until the very last page. No wonder it made into the elite list of bestselling books on Amazon.

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I decided to write this post on the Network Marketing business in this post. When I talk about business, this is one business model I have found that is very interesting and worth spending sometime learning and researching about.

Network Marketing - A Legitimate And Powerful Business Model

Thanks to the social media and the internet, meeting people has become so much easy. Sharing my content, networking with people from around the world, I met some of the most phenomenal people who I would have never met otherwise. It is absolutely amazing what can be accomplished in this social media dominated world today!

Is it perfect? Absolutely NOT! I keep running into people from every industry who want me to do something for them, people, who want to get me into something or sell me something – all the time. Since it is easy to communicate with others today, the noise is high too when it comes to internet and social media marketing.

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