Those of you who know me, know that I have a good size network marketing business. Those of you who know how true network marketing works, also know that it’s about building organizations, building leaders, and it’s not an easy overnight process.

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones - American proverb

I have a growing business in 5+ countries. The reason I share my experience isn’t because I want to impress you, but to tell you that I have spent years in this industry and I know what it takes to build a business that can pass the test of time.

The Process People Follow To Build A Network Marketing Business

Let me state a few facts to provide a starting point based on a fair understanding of the network marketing business model.

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Owning your own business is definitely the most preferable course of action everyone wants to take as soon as possible. Entrepreneurship is definitely more glorified in our society today than ever, and for good reasons.

Network Marketing Business - Great Success System For Entrepreneurs

Statistically speaking, there are about half a million new businesses started each month in the United States alone. Check out the details on these statics by Business Insider here. This number, of course, includes startups across all industries.

But, Statistics Are Not Always Exciting

However, isn’t it another interesting fact that 7 out of 10 businesses shut down in their first new years of operation?

Now, I don’t know about you but I have seen more people than I can count in just the last 2-3 years who started a business (all kinds of businesses) and they didn’t last very long.

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The network marketing industry has flourished consistently over the years, and increasingly more people now own and operate a network marketing businesses. It is fascinating to see how industry has transformed itself with the advent of social media and the internet.

Honesty Is The Best Policy - Gavel On The Table

However, I believe, people who do not understand the principle of adding value to others, can’t make it. Those, who aren’t honest, can’t make it.  Those, who don’t know what they are doing, and do not take time to learn and grow, can’t make it either.

Dishonesty Can Ruin Your Plans – A Recent Incident

Recently a gentleman booked an appointment with me to have a free 30 minute consultation using my Contact menu. He wanted to discuss his personal branding needs.

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Faced with what is right, to leave it undone shows a lack of courage. ~Confucius  [tweet this]

A few years ago when I was exposed to the network marketing business industry, I got two sets of information almost at the same time from two different sources. Interestingly, they were also just opposite to each other.

The set of people who showed me the business idea, were very positive and passionate about it. They were highly educated people with high profile professional careers. In short, they had what I wanted to have in terms of money, education and success professionally speaking. They shared why they chose network marketing and showed me why it was a good idea for me to give it a serious consideration.

Support of Friends-Congratulating And Cheering For Starting New Business VenturePhoto courtesy of ©Depositphotos/pressmaster

The other set of people were my colleagues and a few friends who were around the same level in their careers as myself. I started to get their inputs when I asked them of their opinion of this business idea (As I always did before doing anything new). Many of them were aware of this industry and yet they were not participating because they believed it wasn't a good idea.

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Network Marketing is one of the most thriving business industries  with billions of dollars of revenues each year generated worldwide.  We live in an incredible time where opportunities are everywhere and network marketing industry is growing at a phenomenal rate year after year.

Network Marketing Business Is Person-To-Person Marketing

People, in large numbers, are beginning to embrace the network marketing business opportunities every day because it is not just the most cost effective way to get practical business education, but a business with tremendous potential as well.

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A business must have a product or a service to sell that people want. Yet, have you seen salespeople trying to deny they sell something? I often hear small business owners and many distributors with direct selling companies deny the fact that they sell.

All things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to, those people they know, like and trust - Bob Burg

Consistently I run into distributors from different direct sales companies and almost always notice that they are very excited about their products, services and the compensation plan their business opportunity offers.

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I decided to write this post on the Network Marketing business in this post. When I talk about business, this is one business model I have found that is very interesting and worth spending sometime learning and researching about.

Network Marketing - A Legitimate And Powerful Business Model

Thanks to the social media and the internet, meeting people has become so much easy. Sharing my content, networking with people from around the world, I met some of the most phenomenal people who I would have never met otherwise. It is absolutely amazing what can be accomplished in this social media dominated world today!

Is it perfect? Absolutely NOT! I keep running into people from every industry who want me to do something for them, people, who want to get me into something or sell me something – all the time. Since it is easy to communicate with others today, the noise is high too when it comes to internet and social media marketing.

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