Should you build a brand image on your name or should you establish a company name and brand it while you remain invisible?

Happy Customers - Satisfied Customers - Shopping Online At Their Favorite Brand's Website

I had this discussion with a young online marketer from India  several months ago who wanted to stay behind a company name for his own strategic reasons. And that topic seems to come back in different forms over and over. So, I decided to touch on that as well in this post.

The Two Schools Of Thought On Branding

People from one school of thought on branding prefer to establish a company name where they want to stay anonymously behind the scene. They do so for following reasons:

  1. They think it will be easy to sell and walk out the company if it grows to a level where big players want to pay for it.
  2. If something  goes wrong, they can close the company and walk out clean to go and build another company without affecting their personal identity.
  3. They believe it gives them a choice to start a business in any domain irrespective of their social status because nobody will know who is behind it.

And then, there are others who believe differently. People like John Maxwell, Michael Hyatt, Neil Patel and others who drive their businesses by putting themselves up front. They build their own brand name bigger than any other brand identity of any other company that they run.

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Have you noticed how much impact your first impression has on your overall experience in any interaction with another human being? Sometimes, a great first impression becomes a life saver in difficult situations while a simple transaction may turn into a nightmare based on how we perceive one another based on the first impression.

A firm Handshake And A Dress For Success Example - New Employee Meeting The Boss For The First Time

Back in the days when I just started working, right after college, I had a tough time understanding why people at work wouldn’t take me seriously unless I confronted them.

Not just at work, I soon realized I had the challenge of having a good transaction in most places of public service as well such as booking counters at railway stations, bank clerks, airport check-in counters and so forth.

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Did you know that Effective Communication plays a vital role in the success of every professional and personal relationship? Research has shown that our ability to communicate effectively with others does more good than any other skill that we may have or develop.

Effective Communication Skills To Increase Your Chances Of Success

What we accomplish in our career and in our personal life is determined largely by how well we can communicate with others and how effective we are in inspiring others

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Before you speak, listen.
Before you write, think.
Before you spend, earn.
Before you invest, investigate.
Before you criticize, wait.
Before you pray, forgive.
Before you quit, try.
Before you retire, save.
Before you die, give.


William Aurthur Ward