It's amazing how many people do not read one book in their lifetime after getting out of school (or college). Well, I was one of those as well for several years. Never read a book, never attended a seminar or a workship for a long time!

Time Management - How We Manage Our Time Impacts What We Get From Life

Until one day, a family friend handed over "The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People" by Dr. Stephen Covey and, that one book, changed the direction I was headed towards in my life. That was the first book I picked up, and since then, I never stopped reading. Continue Reading…

Since I read the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People a decade ago, I have tried different task management systems, calendars and sometimes, made my own and tried. As technologies kept changing, better tools have been coming and I enjoy trying and using new tools.

Wunderlist Task Manager - Free Application

When it comes to task management, I have tried HiTask, Things and a few others, but the one I have been very happy with is – Wunderlist.

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