Owning your own business is definitely the most preferable course of action everyone wants to take as soon as possible. Entrepreneurship is definitely more glorified in our society today than ever, and for good reasons.

Network Marketing Business - Great Success System For Entrepreneurs

Statistically speaking, there are about half a million new businesses started each month in the United States alone. Check out the details on these statics by Business Insider here. This number, of course, includes startups across all industries.

But, Statistics Are Not Always Exciting

However, isn’t it another interesting fact that 7 out of 10 businesses shut down in their first new years of operation?

Now, I don’t know about you but I have seen more people than I can count in just the last 2-3 years who started a business (all kinds of businesses) and they didn’t last very long.

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Just a couple of decades ago, blogging didn’t even exist. It is relatively a new thing when we compared to some of the old ways of advertising, marketing or finding new business. However, there are about 200+ million blogs running on the internet today.

Amazing Benefits Of Blogging

Blogging has established itself as the center of all online marketing where even big brands are paying a lot of attention to it.

Yet, I see so many people puzzled about blogging and its potential. Some are afraid that they are not good at this or that or something along those lines (just like fear of public speaking) while many others do not see it as a viable option.

But what concerns me the most is when smart people, who are successful at what they do, don’t see the point. They outrageously reject blogging as a viable marketing tool, thinking it is for people who have nothing better going on in their lives. Continue Reading…