If you have been debating whether you should enable DISQUS or CommentLuv as the commenting system on your blog, probably you will find this helpful.

DISQUS VS CommentLuv - Which Is Better Blog Commenting System For Community And Engagement
I also plan to briefly cover (due to requests from many of my readers) how you can enjoy most of the premium CommentLuv features without losing an arm and a leg.

My Story With Commenting Systems

Those who know this blog since its inception, know that I was highly motivated by Michael Hyatt (by the way, he continues to inspires me to this day).

Since he loves Evernote, I started using it as well and I continue to explore and enjoy this amazing tool. He recommended (and used) Standard WordPress Theme, I jumped onto the bandwagon (and by the way, that proved to be the best thing I did ever!). And so on…

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When you are just thinking about learning to blog, WordPress.com may sound like a great idea because of one simple reason – it’s free! I did the same thing when I started exploring my options.

Stop To Check Why You Should Not Use WordPress Free Blogging Platform

However, if you are serious about your personal/professional branding, and you know what you are going to share with the world, you need to be serious about how you choose your platform.

Interestingly, WordPress and blogging are almost synonyms these days. You search for blogging in Google and you will end up find more than you can chew about WordPress.

And that is great! WordPress is the most popular platform on the internet for bloggers and content marketers, period!

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Just a couple of decades ago, blogging didn’t even exist. It is relatively a new thing when we compared to some of the old ways of advertising, marketing or finding new business. However, there are about 200+ million blogs running on the internet today.

Amazing Benefits Of Blogging

Blogging has established itself as the center of all online marketing where even big brands are paying a lot of attention to it.

Yet, I see so many people puzzled about blogging and its potential. Some are afraid that they are not good at this or that or something along those lines (just like fear of public speaking) while many others do not see it as a viable option.

But what concerns me the most is when smart people, who are successful at what they do, don’t see the point. They outrageously reject blogging as a viable marketing tool, thinking it is for people who have nothing better going on in their lives. Continue Reading…

Most people today understand the value of personal branding. Most of us know that blogging is a powerful way to build a strong personal brand identity online. Yet, many people are not able to move ahead with their blogging strategy because of not knowing where to begin the journey.

Beginners Guide On Blogging For Personal Branding

I get questions about starting a website, starting a blog, and asking where to begin. People ask me if it takes a lot of time and money to start and manage a blog. Many people get excited and get started after talking to me, but they soon begin to fade away as they can’t keep up simply because they aren’t prepared.

Well, first of all, success in anything worthwhile requires work (sometimes, hard work depending on how big your goal is). But one thing is sure: success doesn’t happen by accident. You must know what you want to achieve, plan how you want to achieve what you want to achieve. And then, work the plan, persist with discipline and do not quit!

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WordPress plugins are the reason why WordPress has become the most popular content management system today. If you ever need to add any new feature of functionality to your blog powered by WordPress, most probably you will find a suitable WordPress Plugin with one simple search.

WordPress Plugins Installation Activation And Configuration

Recently, I visited a friend who has just started to blog. He requested me to review his blog. To my amazement, though he has installed a premium responsive WordPress theme, his blog lacked almost all important plugins.

If you are like my friend, just started blogging using self-hosted WordPress and still figuring out various options, this post is for you. I want to share some basics of setting up your blog, installing and configuring important WordPress plugins. Let’s get started.

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The rewards of blogging are awesome. However, your blogging challenge begins as soon as you get engaged in choosing the best suited platform for your blogging needs. It is an important point to think about if you are just starting out on the journey and it also confuses many aspiring bloggers, naturally.

How To Choose The Best Blogging Platform For Personal Branding, Internet Marketing Or Blogging For Business

We discussed earlier, why blogging is important for your personal branding, and now, having established the need for blogging, let’s discuss what is the best platform for your blogging needs.

Today, there are several blogging platforms to choose from as you get ready to start. However, the best thing is, you aren’t stuck for life with the platform you choose today. If you get started with one platform and later decide that you want to switch to another, it’s very easy to do that as well. Therefore, it should make your decision much easier. 

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