As an entrepreneur, managing your brand reputation is very important. In today’s marketplace where social media is such a dominant marketing tool, you simply need to be on top of things on social media.

Social Media Management Using Hootsuite Features

Do you really have to be on top of social media?

Well, not if you don’t want to grow your business by leveraging the power social media and internet marketing has to offer. You can simply ignore it and build your business slowly using traditional ways and it may still work the way it always has.

But if you want to be on the cutting edge and build your brand identity online to take your business on fast track, you can’t afford to ignore social media marketing. And that is when reputation management becomes an important aspect of your overall campaign.

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Time wasters are on top of the list these days because of so many distractions everywhere. Time wasters are things that steal time from your life. Time wasters rob you of the time you would ordinarily have kept and used for more productive endeavors.

Top 10 Time Wasters That Some Experts Talk About

There are many such activities you and I engage in that can be productive, if we are careful. Otherwise, these activities can become huge time wasters; pushing us away from our dreams and goals.

However, it’s amazing some ‘experts’ miscommunicate things and make healthy activities as time wasters. They make those things look as if they are really not worth spending time on. The goal of this post is to list some of the good things in life that can be a life saver and turn into time wasters if we are not careful about them. While many ‘experts’ make these look like time wasters, I think we can have many blessings if we take these activities seriously, consciously and make a decision to be productive.

The List Of So Called Top 10 Time Wasters

So, here is the list and I will let you go through them and decide for yourself if you think these are time wasters for you or a blessing, if you choose to make it so. Here you go:

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The author of several incredible self-help books, Charlie "Tremendous" Jones once said,

You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read. [tweet this]

This is true to every aspect especially when it comes to the power of association. The same is true for setting up some weight loss goals as well. I experienced this year as we tried this at office!

Weight Loss FREE iPhone and iPad App - MyFitnessPal.Com

As this year started, a few of my coleagues got together and started the initiative for setting up a weight loss competition. I immediately jumped on the wagon as the competition began. The goal was to lose 10% of the current body weight within 12 weeks

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