As an entrepreneur, managing your brand reputation is very important. In today’s marketplace where social media is such a dominant marketing tool, you simply need to be on top of things on social media.

Social Media Management Using Hootsuite Features

Do you really have to be on top of social media?

Well, not if you don’t want to grow your business by leveraging the power social media and internet marketing has to offer. You can simply ignore it and build your business slowly using traditional ways and it may still work the way it always has.

But if you want to be on the cutting edge and build your brand identity online to take your business on fast track, you can’t afford to ignore social media marketing. And that is when reputation management becomes an important aspect of your overall campaign.

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One of the things that I have found the most rewarding is the habit of being consistent. First of all, I don’t start something unless I am sure I can finish it. And if I start something, I don’t quit. I stay the course till the end.

Writing Blog Posts Regularly When Not Feeling Like An Expert Blogger

Blogging can be a hobby or a profession depending upon your understanding and perception about this concept. To me, I don’t have time to waste. If I am investing my time in writing blog posts, I prefer to do it seriously than playing at it like a hobby.

Why is that so?

It Is A Rule Of Thumb In Every Field

Growing up in India, I saw (and also participated) in playing cricket with friends on streets. We still play cricket on holidays whenever possible. If you enjoy any other sports such as soccer, football, tennis, basketball etc., you will find people who play it as a hobby and enjoy watching big games on TV.

On the other hand, there are those who got started just like you and me, took that game seriously, worked hard, stayed consistent with practice and went on to become a professional player. They are the ones who come on TV when hobbyist and other fans watch the big games.

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A business associate mentioned about World Heart Day on September 29th a couple of days ago and the alarming statistics he shared got me curious to find out more about it.

Heart Health Tips On World Heart Day On September 29

Statistics he shared with me said that India had about 60% of World's Cardiac patients. Every 2nd person who gets detected with cardiac ailment in the world is an Indian. That, coming from an Indian heritage, I need to worry about my own heart health, don’t I?

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They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Interestingly, when it comes to content creation, a picture makes it even more appealing. Why do you think magazines look so awesome when compared with any other book which has less images?

Royalty Free Stock Images - Find On Top Image Repositories

If you watch your Facebook news feed, don’t you pay much attention to the quotes which are on images as opposed to those which are just in text format? That means, if you want the attention of your readers, your followers and fans, you need images to accompany the content you are creating.

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Have you been in a situation when you updated your WordPress or one of your WordPress plugins which now requires you to do a global find and replace in many published posts on your blog?

Performing Global Find And Replace In Your WordPress Website

There are times when you are forced to think of an option to replace a particular word or a URL by a new one because may be you changed domains or because you needed to replace a hard coded affiliate link to a new link for any reason.

There are many such scenarios and I was in that situation just a few days ago when one of the plugins Shortcode Ultimate on my website came up with a new update that changed the name of the property “color” to “background”.

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Have you been in a situation where you ask a question to someone, expecting an answer in a sentence or two, but you actually ended up listening to a 15, 20 or even a 30 minute sermon, only to wonder in the end, “What was it about?”

Get To The Point In Public Speaking or In Sales For Effective Communication

I was recently helping one of my Toastmasters mentees in preparation for the 3rd speech project which is interestingly called, “Get To The Point”.  This project is about helping the speaker deliver a 5 to 7 minute long speech which delivers a clear message. The speech must have a clearly defined objective and the speaker must remain focused on the objective throughout the speech, until the end.

But, is it important only to public speaking?

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Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.

Michael Jordon

I love reading books on Leadership and personal development. I love to enhance my knowledge and sometimes, just to get a reconfirmation of what I already know about leadership.

Strong Leaders Avoid These 10 Characterists of Weak Leaders

Among many incredible lessons, one thing I’ve come to realize is, everybody is a leader at a certain level. We all have the ability to lead ourselves and be an example for somebody else. And the good news is, we all lead.

All leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less. ~John Maxwell [tweet this]

Everybody has some influence and that indicates the depth of their leadership. But then, why is it that some leaders can mobilize nations, and others, who have all the wisdom, all the knowledge in the world, have no influence?

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I did not move my websites from GoDaddy for a long time simply because I was frightened about the effort involved in moving my websites to a new web host. I knew I needed to move out of GoDaddy if I needed to improve my website’s performance. But the fear of breaking something kept me from doing it for a long time.

Moving Your WordPress Website To A New Web Host Made Easy

Finally, when I came across the Duplicator WordPress plugin, I decided to give it a try and it was serendipity to see how easily I had just moved my website from GoDaddy to InMotion hosting. That was my first trial to move a website. It was very pleasing experience!

I have since then moved many websites from one host to another for me, for my friends and for a few of my clients. I have moved WordPress websites using Duplicator Plugin, using ManageWP (which is an excellent way to get the job done) and moving everything manually without using any external tool or service. I can tell you today, migrating your WordPress website is not as difficult as it seems.

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There are two kinds of people in the world as we perceive – successful people and those who are unsuccessful. But there is a third kind which we know as ‘average people.’

Robert Kiyosaki on average person can't handle that pressure

Average category falls right in the middle. You can’t call them successful because when they do get there, they will move out of this category. And you can’t call them unsuccessful because they are doing okay from their perspective. Oh and by the way, they don’t like to be called average.

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