Launched in January 2004, Google’s first social media venture, Orkut is shutting down on September 30, 2014. I received an email from the Orkut team notifying me of this development a couple of days ago.
RIP Orkut-Google Announces Shutdown On September-30-2014
If you know anything about Orkut, you may remember that it was launched even before Facebook. It was very popular in India and Brazil, although it never took off in the US.

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When it comes to using social media as an entrepreneur, should you invest your time in growing your presence on Google+?
Google Plus - Is this social networking site going to live or is it another failed project from Google
There are different purposes behind using different social networking websites. But, does Google+ deserve an investment of your time?

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I guess you already figured out what I am going to discuss in this post from the title itself. However, if you don’t have kids, you can still participate in this conversation and perhaps, add some value from your perspective.

Cute Little Girls Playing With Their Smartphones Ignoring One Another In A Park - Social Media And Technology Effect

Social media, especially Facebook, is always a cause for concern among parents and a reason for friction in two different schools of thought.

Like all technology, social media is neutral but is best put to work in the service of building a better world.    ~Simon Mainwaring [tweet this]

One group of people thinks that Facebook and social media is evil and we should avoid it at all costs. Well, I don’t subscribe to that group and that is why this post is also not about them or for them.

The other group is of social media enthusiasts. I actively participate in this group for obvious reasons and this is what my online business is centered around.

But then, you know how powerful social media can be in building your personal brand, online reputation and growing your business at such a low cost if done right.

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As an entrepreneur, managing your brand reputation is very important. In today’s marketplace where social media is such a dominant marketing tool, you simply need to be on top of things on social media.

Social Media Management Using Hootsuite Features

Do you really have to be on top of social media?

Well, not if you don’t want to grow your business by leveraging the power social media and internet marketing has to offer. You can simply ignore it and build your business slowly using traditional ways and it may still work the way it always has.

But if you want to be on the cutting edge and build your brand identity online to take your business on fast track, you can’t afford to ignore social media marketing. And that is when reputation management becomes an important aspect of your overall campaign.

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Time wasters are on top of the list these days because of so many distractions everywhere. Time wasters are things that steal time from your life. Time wasters rob you of the time you would ordinarily have kept and used for more productive endeavors.

Top 10 Time Wasters That Some Experts Talk About

There are many such activities you and I engage in that can be productive, if we are careful. Otherwise, these activities can become huge time wasters; pushing us away from our dreams and goals.

However, it’s amazing some ‘experts’ miscommunicate things and make healthy activities as time wasters. They make those things look as if they are really not worth spending time on. The goal of this post is to list some of the good things in life that can be a life saver and turn into time wasters if we are not careful about them. While many ‘experts’ make these look like time wasters, I think we can have many blessings if we take these activities seriously, consciously and make a decision to be productive.

The List Of So Called Top 10 Time Wasters

So, here is the list and I will let you go through them and decide for yourself if you think these are time wasters for you or a blessing, if you choose to make it so. Here you go:

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The richest people in the world look for and build networks. Everyone else looks for work.      ~Robert Kiyosaki [tweet this]

It is true that social networking and internet marketing have changed a lot of things in the world in last a few years. People’s perspective has been rapidly changing about networking. More and more businesses are adapting to the networking business model.

Networking For Work - Networking For Business - Overcoming Fear Of Networking

More and more people are becoming extremely successful using networking to promote their businesses. People like John Maxwell, Randy Gage, Brendon Burchard, Michael Hyatt and Robert Kiyosaki have achieved enormous success by networking and building networks.

But I still see so many people who, for one reason or another, continue to resist networking. They seem to think that it is a lot of work to network with little or no return on investment of their time and efforts.

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Promotions of the Free Enterprise System, the rise of social media and declining job markets have caused a significant increase in the number of independent consultants. That means more people are choosing entrepreneurship as their career path.

Social Media Marketing For Business Success

If you’re an expert at anything, you have an opportunity to start a consulting business and become a known expert in your niche. You don't have to be in some really cool business to succeed. You don't even need to have a large marketing budget.

Instead, you just need a plan, a strategy to market yourself to the right target market in the right manner. For example, look at these examples of people who applied the same concept and made a fortune:

  1. Kindergarten Teacher Earns $700,000 by Selling Lesson Plans Online
  2. Six-Figure Businesses Built for Less Than $100: 17 Lessons Learned

In these cases, the investment wasn’t huge, the marketing wasn’t mind blowing. They started small, stayed consistent with their idea, kept working and achieved significant success.

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